Milk Leisure

Spa treatments that speak volumes: how the world of wellness is evolving

How will wellness change in 2018?

The pursuit of wellness is about a universal need for vitality, health and wellbeing that resonates with all of us. But that doesn’t mean wellness is about standing still. Though many of the more famous treatments are tied inextricably to long-practiced traditional methods going back centuries, there’s certainly nothing ancient about spa design: as industry leaders we utilise modern technology & ideas to find new ways of undoing the harm of modern life- as well as seeking to solve some of the problems unique to our age.
Modern life is full of stresses, toxicity and harmful compounds penetrating & damaging the body. The role of a wellness facility is to allow professionals, or the visitor themselves, to ease and reverse this harm through health-giving & regenerative processes. This means creating the perfect environment for physical, mental, spiritual and emotional recuperation: this isn’t a task we take lightly. That’s why we constantly innovate and improve, striving persistently for more in our designs, always utilising the best methods & practices while relentlessly aiming for the highest standards. Keeping a finger on the pulse of the industry, knowing the ways in which technology can help us achieve the best results, is a vital step in this.

Our understating of our own DNA is growing faster than ever before: and shows no sign of slowing down. Almost every day, new information is being unlocked that’s helping us better understand our bodies. Recent advances in technology along with changes in regulation have allowed companies like Orig3n, Nutrigenomix and Fitnessgenes to deliver not just testing, but informed analysis of the body’s genetic predispositions. This means patients can plan their diet, exercise, beauty and spa treatments around what their genetic code says is needed- meaning even more precise and effective practices than ever.

Why relegate wellness to the weekend? New technology is allowing home designers to adapt every room of the house to improve your health- from smart homes that read your health to floor surfaces that help your posture, mineral water showers containing added vitamins to soothing music and lighting patterns on the rising sun. The connection between wellness and the built environment is growing closer and closer, but it doesn’t stop there: wider environmental issues are becoming more closely entwined with elements of design and architecture. After all, who doesn’t want their wellness experience in-tune with the earth?

Happiness & Social engagement
Wellness continues to move from being a personal, even isolated activity, to becoming more about how we interact with one another- a based around empowerment, community harmony, environmental improvements and shared experiences. We’re increasingly seeing resorts tailored toward group therapies, and individual activities involving being part of a larger group, such as in the rise of ‘feminist wellness’ or ‘wellness community’ developments. A larger and larger part of the industry is showing a keen interest in the potential that treatments can deliver in a ‘communal’ setting- especially as problems relating to isolation, loneliness and depression stemming from the overuse of social media and smartphones become more and more widely acknowledged.

Wellness is an ever-changing industry that continually pursues health and happiness for millions around the world, and we’re excited to be at the cutting edge. Every year we break into new territory and produce innovative new solutions. To discover more about our past projects and the ways we’ve delivered excellence to a wide range of clients and companies, view our products or take a look at our case studies.